(1) The idea of requiring students to wear school uniforms in schools is a growing conversation across the United States (2) Since the 2013-2014
school year, a higher percentage of public schools located in cites required
students to wear uniforms compared to schools located in suburban areas
(3) More schools require students to wear school uniforms because they
benett student safety and academic performance
(4) School uniforms discourage crime and increase the level of student
salety at school, especially in schools located in urban areas (5) In a recent
study of an urban school located in Atlanta, reports of vandalism, student fights,
and gang activity seemed to decrease. (6) Even though it had only been a lew
months since students began wearing uniforms, school administrators already
knew it would change the school atmosphere (7) The administration reported
that the uniforms prevented students from concealing things under baggy
dothing (8) Furthermore, the teachers stated that it was easier to keep track of
students while on seld trips and intruders were easier to recognize because
they stood out from the rest of the student body (9) Overall, campus safety
improved and students felt saler during school hours
(0) Academically, implementing school uniform policies keeps students
focused on their education rather than their outs (11) Students have one less
thing to worry about-and they can concentrate on other things that are more
relevant to school, including homework, studying, and extracuricular activites
(12) When all students are dressed alike, they are no longer peer pressured to
dress a certain way based on the latest fashion trend (23) This, in tum, results
in less bullying at school for those who dress differently than their peers
(14) School uniforms will steer the focus back to what is important leaming
(15) Appearance at school should not be a tactor that students have to worry
about, so requiring students to wear uniforms will only benefit them (16) Win
school uniforms, students will no longer have to lie awake worrying about ng
in when they could be spending their time studying for their next math quiz the
next day
Which sentence from the passage best demonstrates the author making a hasty generalization, a conclusion in an argument that is based 68 insument

A. sentence 11
B. sentence 6
C. sentence 9
D. sentence 4

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