Two variables control a cat's desirability, d, as a pet, cuteness, c and indifference, i. You propose that the following equation can be used to determine how much you want to own a particular cat, d space equals space c cross times i , where c is the cuteness of the cat rated from 1-10 and i is the indifference of the cat to your existence rated from 1-10. In this rating, the best possible cat would earn an 100 and the worst a 1. You rank cat adoption catdidates as so: Cat Cuteness Cuteness Uncertainty Indifference Indifference Uncertainty Meow Capone 3 plus-or-minus 1 2 plus-or-minus 2 Catsanova 4 plus-or-minus 3 8 plus-or-minus 4 Luke Skywhisker 9 plus-or-minus 1 5 plus-or-minus 5 Fuzz Aldrin 6 plus-or-minus 2 6 plus-or-minus 2 Use this for help: M1prelab.xlsx True or False: Including uncertainty, you can be absolutely certain that Catsanova is a better car than Meow Capone. True False