The sketch to the left is of a swamped amplifier. Changes in temperature can change the internal resistance between the base and the emitter leading to changes in amplification. By adding a resistor in series with the emitter courses that the amplification can still be kept at a high level while the changes in amplification due to temperature changes is made less.

A temperature sensor, that sense rapid changes in temperature, has an output that ranges from 10mV to 50mV. Under faulty conditions this temperature sensor can provide an output that has a maximum voltage of 13V. In some why this temperature sensor has to be connected a computer through an analog-to digital converter. For Maximum efficiency the analog-to-digital converter needs a change in voltage of 622mV. A power supply is available that can supply a voltage of 10V. The under working conditions, it is recommended that the power supply provide an average current of approximately 8mA. As a technician you are provided with a BC107 transistor and capacitors and resistors of your choice. A BC107 transistor can handle a maximum of 100mA through it’s collector.