Identify an issue that Is Important to you that needs social action.rubric
You can choose from something you see as a clear need, such as helping an endangered specles, feeding the
homeless, or gathering school supplies.
Use the Internet to learn more about social action and your chosen Issue.
Remember to look for sites that are credible and reliable, such as those hosted by government agencies or
educational organizations.
Create an action plan for your chosen social action.
Carry out the plan as a form of service learning or community service project.
Take notes on what happened during your social action, Including what the plan was, who you were with, what y
did, when you did it, how it went, what you thought, and what others thought.
Afterward, write a reflection essay about how your social action plan went.
Use your notes to help you construct this account of your service experience.
Submit your action plan and reflection essay below. Review the to see the grading criteria for this project.