Introduction You are working for a surveying and environmental engineering firm that has geographic data for many different areas. They want you to write a program that takes matrices of this geographic data in, and returns an image of a topographical map. Procedure Your function should take two inputs: Altitude: an m x n matrix of altitude data. Each element is 10 kilometers from the points above, below, rightward, and leftward from it. Water: an m x n matrix that only has elements with values 1 and 0. This matrix has information for whether the measurement location was covered in water (1) or dry land (0). And return two outputs: o O O Topograph: an mxnx 3 uint8 color image. Topograph should be color coded in the following way: Blue for any data point that is covered in water Black for any data point that is below sea level (Elevation below 0) Green for any data point above 0 and up to 1000 meters Yellow for any data point above 1000 and up to 2000 meters Orange for any data point above 2000 and up to 3000 meters Red for any data point above 3000 and up to 4000 meters White for any data point above 4000 and up to 4500 meters Cyan for any data point above 4500 meters ооо O o Additionally, you should make the highest point in your topographical map magenta the lowest point on your topographical map that is not under water purple. You can assume that there won't be two highest and lowest points. low HighDist: The distance between the low and high points on land in this data. Again, each matrix element is 10 kilometers from the elements above, below, rightward, and leftward from it. You can use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for distance.