Work your way through the story slides and video clips at the Stanford Prison Study Website reading the corresponding article and then watching the documentary segments to see actual video of the experiment. Use what you know from our Social Psychology unit to answer the following questions.

1. Explain the cognitive dissonance that was experienced by the…
Guards -
Prisoners -

2. How did the guards and prisoners cope with their dissonance?
Guards -
Prisoners -

3. How did Zimbardo use Deindividuation to help the prisoners and guards get “comfortable” in their roles?

4. How can the Fundamental Attribution Error be applied to this study or people’s interpretations of this study?

5. What kind of social influence researched by Asch could be used to explain why the guards joined “John Wayne” in the mistreatment of the prisoners? Why did the prisoners go along with the prisoners who rebelled & later obeyed?

6. What current psychological ethical principle(s) does this experiment violate?

7. How was Diffusion of Responsibility exhibited by the guards in their explanations for what they did to prisoners?

8. How are Milgram’s findings on obedience applicable to the Stanford Prison Study and Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal?

9. In what way can we apply the research about in-group and out-group relationships to the Stanford Prison Study?

10. In what ways did Schemas contribute to abuses that took place in the Stanford Prison Study and Abu Ghraib?