1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Activity 7 Analyse the effect of mining on family life Do a role play that is set in a rural area and that deals with a particular situation. Your role play should explore what it was like for the women and children to live in the rural areas without the men. You will need to use your knowledge as well as your imagination. What questions would the children ask their fathers about the city and the mine when they returned from working their contract? In many communities men who worked on the mines were treated with respect on their return. Why do you think this was the case? Explain why white miners were able to negotiate better deals with the mine owners than the black workers. What laws were made to protect the position of white workers? Analyse why the family life of white workers was not affected as much as that of the black workers. How did the government discriminate against Indians at this time? Forms of labour resistanc