Given the height, length, and width of a wedge, assign wedgeVolume with the volume of the wedge.
Ex: If the input is 8 9 2, then the output is:
Volume: 72
Note: The volume of a wedge is calculated by multiplying height, length, and width, and dividing by 2.

My code:
using namespace std;

int main() {
int height;
int length;
int width;
int wedgeVolume;

cin >> height;
cin >> length;
cin >> width;

cout << wedgeVolume = (height * length * width) /= 2;

cout << "Volume: " << wedgeVolume << endl;

return 0;
main.cpp:14:55: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
14 | cout << wedgeVolume = (height * length * width) /= 2;
Suggestions? Thank you in advance!