Using the ideas you previously wrote in your Narrative Organization Chart, your introduction (exposition), and the middle (rising action and climax), you will write the end (falling action and resolution) of your narrative story. Important note: You will submit your introduction, middle, and end for this assignment. View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission. Review the ideas you created in your Narrative Organization Chart, the exposition, rising action and climax of your story. Using these ideas, write the conclusion to your narrative. The conclusion to your narrative should be 50 words or more. Write the events that occur right after the climax Write a resolution with a theme (the life lesson you want your protagonist and your reader to learn) Write in the third person point of view Submit your entire narrative to your instructor (introduction, body, and conclusion). To help your instructor locate your newly added ending, write the word conclusion in parentheses between the middle and the first word of the conclusion. Save your work to your computer or drive. Submit your work in 03.08 The Big Finish

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