1.) How did Jefferson ultimately end up purchasing the entire Louisiana Territory, and under what terms?
Select 4 correct answer(s)
Doc 1: Thomas Jefferson's letter to Robert Livingston (early 1802).
Doc 2: JANUARY 11, 1803. (Letter to the Senate)
Doc 3: OCTOBER 17, 1803. (Letter to the Senate)
Doc 4: Excerpt from President Jefferson's Instructions to Captain Meriwether Lewis June 20, 1803
Doc 5: Jefferson Peace Medal
Doc 6: Animal drawing and reports
Doc 7: Map
Doc 8: On September 23, 1806, Lewis wrote to President Jefferson...
Doc 9: Thomas Jefferson To John C. Breckinridge Monticello, Aug. 12, 1803
Doc 10: Federalist Letters Showing Disapproval of the Louisiana Purchase
Doc 11: Corps of Discovery