DIRECTIONS: The following passages have a similar topic but different diction, tone and
purpose. Read the passages, and then complete the chart.
-Passage 1: Those with an epicurean bent need not trouble themselves with Central Grill
on Main Street. Despite the cackling of fawning food critics, the offerings at this
cramped, noisy eatery are, in fact, uninspired, and the service is lamentable. Blaring,
ear-shattering rock music and inattentive servers greet you, and when your inexpertly
prepared, lukewarm, bland meal arrives after what seems an interminable wait, you find
yourself wondering why you bothered. Avoid Central Grill, or visit at your own peril.
-Passage 2: Central Grill on Main Street is awesome! When you go in, cool music is
playing, and the vibe is perfect. The servers are totally chill, and you have plenty of time
to check out the menu, talk with friends, and listen to the music before your food comes
out. And let me say, it is super-yummy. Foodies take note: You'll be snapping and
posting lots of pics. Your friends will be super-jealous.
-Definitely check this place out!.
Topic of the passages:
1)What is the diction of each
2)List three words or phrases
from the passage that
contribute to the diction in
each one.
3)What is the tone of each
4)List three words or phrases
from the passage that
5)contribute to the tone in each
What is the purpose of each
Passage 1
Passage 2