avail to be of use or advantage
breakfast first meal of the day
contain to enclose
cylinder any long, round object, solid or hollow, having flat ends
daily every day
dainty delicately beautiful
defeat win victory over another; beat
eager enthusiastic interest
entertainment amusement
graphologist one who studies handwriting
headache a pain in the head; an annoying problem
heavy having great weight
instead in place of
leather tanned hide of an animal
legible readable
maintain to carry on or keep up
measles a contagious, viral disease causing red spots
release to set free
responsive react readily
reveal make known
steady stable; firmly in place
symbol something that represents something else
teacher one who instructs List the words containing the /ai/digraph pronounced as a long a and a silent I. List the words containing the /ea/digraph pronounced as a long e and a silent a. List the words containing the /ea/ digraph pronounced as a short e and a silent a.