Samantha is in the second semester of her freshman year and is revisiting her budget to see if there are any areas she can reduce spending in to save more money. Samantha lives on campus, has a roommate, is signed up for the basic meal plan, and lives about a 2 hour car ride away from her family. Which of the following would be the most realistic option for Samantha to follow in her second semester to maximize her savings?
Pilihan jawaban
Cut back on her meal plan so that she has only 14 meals per week, but dine out with friends 3x/week to make sure she has enough food.
Give her used car back to her family so that she doesn't have to pay $80/month for gas, $102/month for car insurance, and other auto and maintenance fees. Although it is less convenient, she can take public transportation whenever she wants to go home.
Put $5 from her work-study paycheck into a jar every week to build savings over time.
Skip campus social events and save $55/month. However, Samantha will likely be the only from her floor who is not going so she will be on her own during that time.