You are listening to the FM radio in your car. As you come to astop at a traffic light, you notice that the radio signal is fuzzy.By pulling up a short distance, you can make the reception clearagain. In this problem, we work through a simple model of what ishappening.Our model is that the radio waves are taking two paths to yourradio antenna:the direct route from the transmitteran indirect route via reflection off a buildingBecause the two paths have different lengths, they canconstructively or destructively interfere. Assume that thetransmitter is very far away, and that the building is at a45-degree angle from the path to the transmitter. (Intro 1figure)Point A in the figure is where you originally stopped, and pointB is where the station is completely clear again. Finally, assumethat the signal is at its worst at point A, and at its clearest atpoint B.Part A
What is the distancedbetween points A and B?
Express your answer in wavelengths,as a fraction.

Part B
Your FM station has a frequency of100megahertz. The speed of light is about3.00 \times 10^8meters per second.What is the distancedbetween points A and B?
Express your answer in meters, to twosignificant figures.