The computer output below shows the result of a linear regression analysis for predicting the concentration of zinc, in parts per million (ppm), from the concentration of lead, in ppm, found in fish from a certain river. Response variable is Zinc (ppm) Variable Coefficient Std Dev Constant 16.3 4.90 Lead (ppm) 19.0 1.89 T P 3.32 0.003 10.01 0.000 S= 16.17 R-Sq = 82.0% Which of the following statements is a correct interpretation of the value 19.0 in the output? On average, there is a predicted increase of 19.0ppm in concentration of zinc for every increase of 1ppm concentration of lead found in the fish For fish containing no lead the predicted concentration of zinc is 19.oppm Approximately 19.0% of the variability in zinc concentration is explained by its linear relationship with lead concentration On average, there is a predicted increase of 19.0ppm in concentration of lead for every increase of 1ppm in concentration of zinc found in the fish For fish containing no zinc, the predicted concentration of lead is 19.oppm