This activity is important because effective marketing doesn't just happen, it is a result of careful planning, execution, and evaluation throughout the strategic marketing process. Companies such as Kodak carefully plan the implementation of their marketing strategies to adjust to changes in the environment, the competition, and their customers. The strategic marketing process represents a set of steps a marketer goes through to develop a marketing plan. The resulting marketing plan is a written document comprised of an analysis of the current marketing situation, opportunities and threats for the firm, marketing objectives and strategy specified in terms of the 4 Ps, action programs, and projected or pro-forma income (and other financial) statements. The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding the three phases of the strategic marketing process; planning, implementation, and evaluation. Read the description of the marketing action and then match it to the appropriate stage of the Strategic Marketing Process. Defining precise tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines Market-product focus and goal setting Obtaining resources Designing the marketing program Acting on deviations Comparing results with plan to identify deviations Executing the marketing program Marketing program Situation analysis Match each of the options above to the items below. As the sales for digital cameras has increased, the sales for traditional film and film camera has declined As the sales for digital cameras has increased, the sales for traditional film and film camera has declined Open choices for matching Managers at Kodak select which products will be directed toward which customer for each of its strategic business units Managers at Kodak select which products will be directed toward which customer for each of its strategic business units Open choices for matching Kodak managers select the marketing mix (4Ps) and related budget for each of its strategic business units Kodak managers select the marketing mix (4Ps) and related budget for each of its strategic business units Open choices for matching Managers for the digital camera SBU request a larger marketing budget than last year, requiring a reallocation of resources across SBUs Managers for the digital camera SBU request a larger marketing budget than last year, requiring a reallocation of resources across SBUs Open choices for matching Given the increase in digital camera sales, Kodak creates a new digital product manager position reporting directly to the Director of Marketing Given the increase in digital camera sales, Kodak creates a new digital product manager position reporting directly to the Director of Marketing Open choices for matching In the weekly marketing meeting, precise duties, responsible party, completion date, and deliverables are defined In the weekly marketing meeting, precise duties, responsible party, completion date, and deliverables are defined Open choices for matching Kodak launches its new digital camera line with integrated print, television, and radio advertising campaigns Kodak launches its new digital camera line with integrated print, television, and radio advertising campaigns Open choices for matching Disappointingly, sales projections far exceeded actual sales for the new Kodak digital camera line in the first quarter Disappointingly, sales projections far exceeded actual sales for the new Kodak digital camera line in the first quarter Open choices for matching Based on increasing competition and market demand factors, Kodak lowers the price by 15 percent on its digital camera line Based on increasing competition and market demand factors, Kodak lowers the price by 15 percent on its digital camera line Open choices for matching