match each example with the barrier to inclusion that best describes it. example barrier to inclusion a large beverage company launches an initiative to pair non-minority employees with new hires who are minorities to help get them up to speed and promote inclusion. no employees sign up for the program because they believe that the organization intends to promote the new hires faster than them and doing so would hurt their chances for advancement. when reflecting on the job interviews he just finished for his assistant manager opening, john decided that he wanted to hire amy because she reminded him a lot of himself at the same career stage. bernie believes that the best salespeople are men with families to support and therefore he only hires men for his sales openings. when maja was assigned to work in russia she expected her employees to be less professional and less fluent in english than she was. she was very surprised to learn that her russian counterparts were just as competent as her. a restaurant manager will only hire men as busboys because she believes that they are able to carry more weight and are therefore more efficient.