in a factory that manufactures bolts, the first machine manufactures 70% of the bolts and a second machine manufactures the remaining 20%. the percentage of defective bolts is 3% and 5%, respectively. an employee picks a bolt off a shelf at random and it is from the first machine (event a). if you want to know the probability that it is a defective bolt (event c), which formula would you use? a.) p (c vertical line a )equals fraction numerator p (a vertical line c )p (a )over denominator p (c )end fraction b.) p (a vertical line c )equals fraction numerator p (a vertical line c )p (a )over denominator p (c )end fraction c.) p (c vertical line a )equals fraction numerator p (a vertical line c )p (c )over denominator p (a )end fraction d.) p (a vertical line c )equals fraction numerator p (c vertical line a )p (a )over denominator p (c )end fraction