Two mothers took their new babies home from the hospital on the same day. On the first day home, when mother number one was removing the hospital name tag from her baby, she discovered that the other mother's name was on the tag. The other mother was contacted, but she was sure that she had the right baby. She did not want to give up the baby she had brought home from the hospital. Because the identity of the babies was disputed, the issue had to be decided in court. Analyze the data provided in the table and apply the laws of inheritance to solve the problem.

THINK CRITICALLY: what is the only blood type the baby from family one could have? should the babies be exchanged? because A and B blood types are always dominant to blood type O, what other blood type could baby from family two have?

Two mothers took their new babies home from the hospital on the same day On the first day home when mother number one was removing the hospital name tag from he class=