please answer this questions
1. Pick a famous hoax from history (feel free to explore a couple of different ones before settling on one). Why did you pick this hoax
2. In the space below, write the research question that will guide you in your research, including the three things the assignment calls for.

3. Explore a few different websites and databases, experimenting with different key words and Boolean signifiers. List below five sources that seem trustworthy and that directly answer your research question. (Make sure that the sources represent at least two different media like print and radio or video, image, and print.)

4. Choose one of these sources and write about how current and relevant it is for your research question.

5. Select another one of your sources and write about how credible and trustworthy it is. What are the credentials of the author or the publication that lead you to believe it's a credible sources

6. Pick a third source from your list and evaluate its credibility based on the writing or presentation. Explain your evaluation below

7. Choose at least three of your five sources for the next part of this assignment. Explain below why you picked these sources.

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