Exercise- 1 the following data pertain to General Fund operations for the Town of Adama for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021: Budget adopted: Estimated Revenues and Estimated Other Financing Sources: Property Taxes Br. 780,000 Fines and Forfeits License and Permits in 90,000 Br. 1,495,000 Appropriations and estimated other Financing Uses: Public Safety Br. 680,000 General Government Public Safety Br. 320,000 General Government 228,000 405,000 440,000 Culture and Recreation Transfer Out 120,000 85,000 Br. 1,325,000 2. Property taxes were levied at an amount that would result in revenues of Br. 639,600 after deduction of 4% of the tax levy as uncollectible. 3. Purchase order issued in 2021: Culture and Recreation 70,000 4. Cash Collection and Transfers : Delinquent property Taxes Br.74, 200 Current property Taxes 520,000 Fines and Forfeits 320,000 220,000 Estimated Actual Public Safety Br. 290,000 Br. 292,000 General Government 200,000 Culture and Recreation 60,000 618,000 License and Permits 180,000 Operating transfer-in 82,000 1,176,200 5. Purchase orders issued in 2021 were received in the following amounts: 203,000 Transfer- 60,400 Br. 550, 000 Br. 555,400 6. Additional voucher payables for salaries and wages: Public Safety Br. 352,000 II in accounting ​