Part A: Below is some idioms that you have heard or used all of your life. Write the meaning of the following idiom expressions.

1. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

2. He spilled the beans.

3. She's the apple of his eye.

4. The students in this class are going bananas.

5. He's feeling blue today.

6. You're walking on thin ice mister!

7. Uh, oh. We're in hot water now.

8. You'd better hold your tongue and button your lip.

9. Mrs. Smith has eyes in the back of her head.

10. Something is fishy here.

Thomas needed money for the movie so he had to butter up his father.

That college only accepts students who are the cream of the crop.

She turned as red as a beet when I caught her cheating.

Marco acted as cool as a cucumber on the day of the big race.

Jake said the test would be a piece of cake.

Maybe he was telling the truth, or maybe he was full of beans.

At the bake sale, my mother's brownies sold like hotcakes.

People were packed in like sardines on the subway train.

My mother works hard to bring home the bacon.

My father stopped to chew the fat with our neighbor, Mr. Jones.

Oresha and I went to the game to egg on our team.

My aunt's ring looked expensive, but she got it for peanuts.

The puppies in the cage were going bananas.

Stephanie is the apple of her father's eye.

My teacher told me I had to beef up my report on George Washington.

Jack Traxel is the big cheese at the cable company.

It was so cold I practically froze my buns off.

Even though Paul worked at the job, he wasn't able to cut the mustard.

I opened my big mouth at the wrong time, so now I have to eat my words.

So that's the problem in a nutshell.

Books by that author are not my cup of tea.

The vase was broken so there was no use crying over spilled milk.

The little Jackson boy is a bad egg.

I was embarrassed to give my piano teacher such a cheesy gift.

We should have known the half-baked idea would not work.

Please don't spill the beans about the surprise party.

The souped-up car made so much noise that our neighbors called to complain.

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11-15: Create five (5) analogies of your own.






16-24: Write an analogy for each of the prompts below.

16. Zebra is to Stripes as Giraffe is to ???

17. Knife is to Cut as Pen is to ???

18. Man is to Men as Goose is to ???

19. Stem is to Flower as Trunk is to ???

20. Creek is to River as Hill is to ???

21. Gas is to Car as Wood is to ???

22. Edward is to Ed as Suzanne is to ???

23. Seed is to Tree as Egg is to ???

24. Author is to Story as Poet is to ???

Part B: Conduct research and identify at least two idioms not listed in this lesson.