1. Which of the following implies preservation of the basic outline of the involved cell for a span of at least some days?
A. Coagulative necrosis
B. Liquefactive necrosis
C. Caseous necrosis
D. Fat necrosis
E. Gangrenous necrosis

2. In an experiment, bacteria are introduced into a perfused tissue preparation. Leukocytes leave the vasculature and migrate to the site of bacterial inoculation. The movement of these leukocytes is most likely to be mediated by which of the following substances?
A. Bradykinin B. Chemokines C. Complement C3a
D. Histamine E. Prostaglandins

3. 20-year-old woman breastfeeds her infant. On examination, her breasts are slightly increased in size. Milk can be expressed from both nipples. Which of the following processes that occurred in her breasts during pregnancy enables her to breastfeed the infant?
A. Ductal metaplasia
B. Epithelial dysplasia
C. Intracellular lipid deposition
D. Stromal hypertrophy
E. Lobular hyperplasia

4. Which lymphoma is highly associated with translocations involving the MYC gene on chromosome 8?
A. Burkitt lymphoma
B. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
C. Mantle cell lymphoma
D. Follicular lymphoma
E. Small lymphocytic lymphoma