
paragraph 6,As the Gulf Stream continues north beyond North America, the larvae of the European eel, which originate from the ,begin italics,same,end italics, apparent spawning area, the Sargasso Sea, as the American eels, continue their journey. Finally, in two or three years, they reach the coasts of Europe, where they then also seek rivers and streams. Migrating upstream, they become pigmented, and after growing to adulthood, they migrate back into the open Atlantic and make their sixty-five-hundred-kilometer return to the Sargasso Sea, where they spawn on average several million eggs, and then die. Only one of several million of them will make the return journey to grow to a reproducing adult in fresh water.

This sentence is from the passage.

"Only one of several million of them will make the return journey to grow to a reproducing adult in fresh water." (Paragraph 6)

Why does this sentence make an effective ending for the passage?

Answer options with 4 options


It hints at the reason why humans know very little about the migration habits of eels.


It provides population statistics that suggest the European eel is in danger of dying out.


It points out a surprising contrast between the survival rates of American and European eels.


It calls attention to the astonishing amount of effort and risk associated with the eels' life cycle.