Project Options: Choose one of the themes and create a project using one of the following options.
1). Write a mini-memoir centering on one of the two themes. A memoir is a narrative written from the
author's perspective about an important part of their life. *
2). Write a song or a poem discussing one of the two themes.
3). Paint or draw an art piece that conveys one of the two themes.
4). Create a podcast episode discussing or interviewing someone on the theme or question.
5). Video or act out a story about one of the themes.
7). Take pictures and make a collage demonstrating one of the two themes.
8). Interview a fellow student or adult about one of the two themes-five question minimum.
9). Think of your own option and get it teacher-approved!
***Relating it to the chosen story: You will need to explain how this project relates to the essential
question. My project relates to the theme of