Experiment 5A. 238: Simpson's Pedigree Assignment, Blood Typing. Loo we were de Figure 2. Example of a pedigree including symbol key. (Wikipedia 2014). Construct a pedigree of the Simpson family using the information provided below. I. Family lineage Information a. Homer Simpson married Marge Bouvier i. They have three children, Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, and Maggie Simpson, listed in order of birth b. Marge has twin monozygotic sisters: Patty and Selma Bouvier c. Selma is married to Sideshow Bob; Patty is not married i. Selma has an adopted daughter named Ling d. Homer has a brother named Herb e. Marge's parents are Clancy Bouvier and Jacqueline Guerney f. Homer's parents are Abe Simpson and Mona Olsen II. Phenotypic condition(s) a. Marge Simpson is the proband. She developed blue hair at age 20, a condition lacking in either of her sisters, Patty and Selma. b. Her father, Clancy Bouvier, also developed the condition at age 20, although it was not noticeable as he got older since he went prematurely bald early in life. c. Marge's mother phenotypically showed normal wt hair color. d. The condition has never appeared in neither males nor females on Homer's side of the family nor is it phenotypically present in Selma's husband. c. Suppose that like his mother, Bart Simpson develops the blue hair condition at age 20 f. Neither of Bart' sisters develop blue hair at age 20. g. What does this pattern suggest for inheritance? h. Was it by a sheer quirk of fate that Bart developed blue hair? 1 With what probability did his condition appear? III. Procedure for pedigree a. Use appropriate symbols i. square = male ii. circle = female iii. symbol is filled in = person has the condition (e.g. proband) iv. symbol is clear = person does not have condition V. connect mattings using a '-'; vi. vertical lines = children of a mating vii. diagonal lines from parents = fraternal twins viii. diagonal lines + horizontal line connecting two siblings = identical twins ix. label first line 'T' and each grandparent as appropriate from Left to Right 1. e.g. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3,1-4 X. connect grandparents to appropriate offspring 1. Example: Marge and Homer and their respective siblings a. label this line as 'Il' and number each parent accordingly xi. Connect children to appropriate parents in order of their birth 1. Labeled this line "IIl' with the children numbered accordingly b. Who is affected? Fill in the appropriate symbols. Draw Pedigree below: