SQL Statement: Your Database: SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY CustomerName ASC; Edit the SQL Statement, and click "Run SQL" to see the result. ADVERTISEMENT Result: Click 'Run SQL' to execute the
statement above. 1. Using a WHERE clause to create an Inner Join using the Orders table and Customers table on CustomerIR, 2. Join the same tables on Customerld but use the INNER JOIN clause. 3. Inner join the Customers table and Orders table again but only show the ORDERID and the CUSTOMERNAME. HINT: \#1 and 2 showed ALL the columns, this time you are showing just the ORDERID, CUSTOMERNAME 4. Using the Orders and Shippers table, COUNT the number of orders associated with each shipper and rename this to Countoforders. Use an Inner Join on orders. shipperld to shippers.shipperid. HINT: The results should look like this image. 5. Do the same join as shown in \#4 but this time order by shippers.shipperli. 6. LEFT JOIN the Products and Suppliers table, COUNT the number of Products associated with each Supplier and rename this to the column to NumberofProducts, Group by Suppliers.SupplierID HINT: Look at \#5 7. Using Products and Suppliers tables, show ProductlD, ProductName, SupplierlD and LEFT JOIN on supplierld

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