Consumer Behavior
Choosing a Nursing Program
Activity Description
In this activity, you will play the role of an employee at the local hospital who realizes you aren't on the long-term career path you want. After deciding the nursing field is something you are interested in, you have to figure out what college would be the best fit. Gabby and your coworker, Joe, will help guide you along your decision-making path.
The estimated time to complete the activity is 10-15 minutes. You should start when you have enough time to think through the scenario critically. However, if you need to exit the activity before completion, you will return to where you left off when you re-enter.
Learning Objectives
After completing the activity, you will be able to:
Identify key terminology related to consumer behaviour. (15% of overall score)
Identify the effects of influences on consumer behaviour. (25% of overall score)
Describe the stages in the consumer purchase decision process. (25% of overall score)
Apply the steps in the consumer purchase decision process to determine the best decision. (35% of overall score)
Evaluation and Scoring
You will be asked to respond to various questions as you complete the activity, and your responses may impact both your score and what happens next.
You will not have the ability to go back and change your answer, so consider each answer option carefully.
Scoring is calculated as follows:
Points are received based on the answer you select for each question, and questions are tied to multiple scoring categories associated with the learning objectives.
Your scores for each category are based on the total number of points you earn for the associated questions.
You will receive one final activity score at the end of the activity that combines your results from each category.
Your instructor has assigned a total point value for this assignment. Your assignment grade is calculated based on the final percentage score you earn at the end of the activity.