After being synthesized into a paragraph as part of a research paper, why are the citations placed where
they are in parenthesis?
When a missionary is called by God to leave that which is familiar and spread the news of the Gospel to new
places, they realize that sacrifices will be required. "Rebekah had a servant's heart and was willing to leave the
comforts and familiarity of her home and family to follow a path unknown to her" Journals of Yesterday's
Missionaries). Likewise, missionaries acknowledge and welcome the opportunity to serve. Rebekah was chosen
and called by God to be Isaac's wife. She had learned through childhood to serve, and when she saw the servant's
camels were thirsty, she did not need to be asked to give them water. She knew what was needed, and she
willingly worked to meet their need. God had prepared her for the path that was ahead of her.Likewise,
missionaries are called and prepared by God for the sacrifice that awaits them. They too "are following a calling
from God, a calling that will lead them to unknown lands, new people, and new cultures" ("Called to Serve").
Because God called them, He also prepared them with a servant's heart and an ability and willingness to sacrifice
their known comforts for the joy of leading someone to a life of faith in Christ Jesus.
It shows where the paragraph's information originates.
It shows where the quotation directly preceding it originates.