60 POINTS!!! As a special promotion for its 12-ounce cans of cold coffee, a coffee drink company printed a message on the bottom of each can. Some of the bottoms read, "Better luck next time!" whereas others read, "You won!" The company advertised the promotion with the slogan "One in five wins a prize!" Suppose the company is telling the truth and that every 12-ounce can of coffee has a one-in-five chance of being a winner. Six friends each buy one 12-ounce can of coffee at a local convenience store. Let X equal the number of friends who win a prize.

Part A: Explain why X is a binomial random variable.

Part B: Find the mean and standard deviation of X. Interpret each value in context.

Part C: The store clerk is surprised when two of the friends win a prize. Is this group of friends just lucky, or is the company's one-in-five claim inaccurate? Compute P(X ≥ 2) and use the result to justify your answer.