In a short, well-crafted essay, take inventory of what you've learned so far. Be sure to answer all
questions fully.
• In your first paragraph, reflect on your past and how it informed your present: which older skill
or learning concept that you brought into this course served you best over this past semester?
When did you realize that you had come well-prepared for a task or lesson? Explain.
• In your second paragraph, reflect on the strides that you have made most recently: which new
skill or learning concept from this past semester are you proudest of, was the most beneficial,
proved to be the most enjoyable, and/or otherwise provided a "breakthrough moment" where
things became clearer for you? Describe.
. In your third and final paragraph, reflect on your future: what is one skill or learning concept
that you still need more work on? What do you hope that you will have the opportunity to
improve? Why?