the purposes of this problem, assume the existence of five types of auditors: CPA, GAO, IRS, bank examiner, and internal auditor. o assume that the work of these various auditors can be grouped into five classifications: audits of financial statements, compliance dits, operational audits, accounting services, and consulting services. r each of the following topics, you are to state the type of auditor most probably involved. Also identify the topic with one of the ove classes of work. Review of transactions of a government agency to determine whether disbursements under the Payment-In-Kind program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture followed the intent of Congress. Review of costs and accomplishments of a military research program carried on within the air force to determine whether the program was cost-effective. 3. Financial statements of a small business to be submitted to a bank in support of a loan application. 4. Examination on a surprise basis of Midtown State Bank. Emphasis placed on verification of cash, marketable securities, and loans receivable and on consistent observation of the banking code. 5. Determination of fairness of financial statements for public distribution by a corporation that has a professional-level internal auditing staff. 6. Review of the tax return of the corporate president to determine whether charitable contributions are adequately substantiated.