we have provided a stub that will play a random game of elevators. you will modify this function to fulfill the rme. this function should set isaimode based on the argument, then call 2 member functions (in the order below) of game in order to set up the main game loop: game::printgamestartprompt(): this will alert the user that the game will begin, and will display the menu options available during the game. game::initgame(): this will initialize the game by loading in the initial data from gamefile. the input file will have lines describing when people will be spawned. the user will play the game as these files are read and the people are spawned. after all the people have spawned, the user can continue playing the game. to do this:
1. While there is another line in gameFile: i. Create a Person using that line ii. Determine which tick the Person will be spawned iii. Have the user play the game until that tick has finished iv. Spawn the person 2. Until the game is over: i. Have the user play the game Here are the steps to have the user play the game: 1. Make a call to prettyPrintBuilding on the building member variable with as the parameter argument 2. Make a call to printSatisfaction on the satisfactionIndex member variable with and as the parameter arguments 3. Check to see if the game has ended (we've given you the function for this) 4. Ask the user for a Move (we've provided a member function for this) 5. Apply the inputted (we've provided a member function for this) To exit with status 1 , use the exit() standard library function.