consider the function find and classify all critical points of the function. if there are more blanks than critical points, leave the remaining entries blank. there are several critical points to be listed. list them lexicograhically, that is in ascending order by x-coordinates, and for equal x-coordinates in ascending order by y-coordinates (e.g., (1,1), (2, -1), (2, 3) is a correct order) the critical point with the smallest x-coordinate is ( , ) classification: (local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined) the critical point with the next smallest x-coordinate is ( , ) classification: (local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined) the critical point with the next smallest x-coordinate is ( , ) classification: (local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined) the critical point with the next smallest x-coordinate is ( , ) classification: (local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined) the critical point with the next smallest x-coordinate is ( , ) classification: (local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined)