Using these words below use 10 words to vent about something that bothers you use 10 stems words from the list below
amphibious, amphitheater, amphibian, amphigory, amphibolous benefit, benevolent, beneficial, benediction, benefactor, benign corpulent, corporation, corporeal, corporal, corpse, corpuscle dormitory, dormant, dormer, dormancy, dormitive, dormient
orthodox, heterodox, doxology, paradox, paradoxical
endoplasm, endocrine, endogamous, endoskeleton, endothermic Eucharist, euphony, eulogy, euphemism, eugenics, euglena
eject, reject, conjecture, dejected, inject, subject, projection, interject locomotive, location, local, locus, relocate, dislocate, localize, locomotor Magna Carta, magnanimous, magnate, magnificent, magnum opus matricide, matron, matriarch, matrimony, matrilineal
megalith, megaphone, megalomania, megalopolis, megahertz, megaton amorphous, morphology, polymorphous, mesomorph, protomorph novel, nova, novice, novitiate, Nova Scotia, innovation, renovate orthopedics, orthodontist, orthodox, orthography, orthogonal paternalistic, patronize, paternity, patriarch, expatriate, paterfamilias claustrophobia, acrophobia, xenophobia, agoraphobia, hydrophobia ponderous, ponder, preponderant, pound, imponderable, compound popular, populist, populate, population, popularize, populous punctuate, punctilious, puncture, punctual, acupuncture, contrapuntal reputation, putative, impute, dispute, computer, disreputable sanguinary, sanguine, consanguinity, sangfroid, sangria
completion, reaction, devastation, production, creation, transition verify, veracity, veritable, verdict, verisimilitude, aver, cinema verite vestry, vestment, vestibule, vest, investiture, divest, divestiture