hoose a Twentieth Century work by an American composer. The work may be classical or popular in nature, but must have been composed before 1970. Listen to the music you chose while carefully using engaged listening techniques.

You may use any piece, composer, or performer suggested in this chapter or choose a different one so long as the music was composed before 1970.

Some American composers/performers mentioned in this chapter
Amy Cheney Beach Ray Charles
Charles Ives Aretha Franklin
Aaron Copland Stevie Wonder
Milton Babbit Diana Ross
John Cage Victor Herbert
George Gershwin George Cohan
Scott Joplin Jerome Kern
Louis Armstrong Cole Porter
Duke Ellington Rodgers and Hammerstein
Benny Goodman Lerner and Loewe
Miles Davis Leonard Bernstein
Bill Haley and the Comets John Williams
Elvis Presley The Beatles
Some American Twentieth century styles
jazz bebop
blues early rock and roll
ragtime impressionism, minimalism, chance music
swing Broadway musical
boogie-woogie film music

Using the techniques you've learned and the word prompts on the worksheet, analyze the musical elements and record your personal responses to the piece you listened to. Analyze the work carefully and be thoughtful in your analysis and response to this music.

Write a prompt of 200 words or more