Hyperbole, Symbols, Irony 1

Read and Think:

He could shoot a bumblebee in the eye at sixty paces, and he was a man who was not afraid to shake hands with lightning

Talk About It (at least 2-3 sentence for each question):

1. This is an example of a hyperbole, an exaggeration that is based on the truth but carries truth to such extreme that it is no longer literally true. Of course, Pecos Bill couldn't literally do these things. What, then, is the purpose of saying he could?
2. Compare Felton's sentence with this one:
He could shoot very well, and he was not afraid of anything.
Which sentence better helps the reader understand what Pecos Bill is like? Why?

Now You Try Its
Write a sentence about a great basketball player, using hyperboles. Model your sentence after Felton's sentence