You are a general manager at a grocery store checking your email when you read the two email
messages below. Your task is to write a response back to both emails. As you do so, remember the
lessons from this module, and seek to address your customers' concerns-you may see the need to
ask clarifying questidas, but do not outright dismiss their complaints.
Write your responses in a Word document and submit to your course instructor.
Use the template provided and ALL BRACKETS should be removed prior to saving and submitting
Email Complaint #1
Ticket: # 108182 - Unwanted commercial email messages sent to our mobile phones
Date: 8/28/2016 11:16:14 AM
City/State/Zip: Austin, Texas 78704
Hello there.
I'd like to report a violation of my personal privacy. Ever since I signed up for your customer
rewards card, I have been receiving hundreds of unwanted commercial email messages per month to my mobile phone. I have tried to unsubscribe from these email messages. I have clicked on the “Unsubscribe” button dozens of times and confirmed the unsubscribe request was received, but it has not stopped the email messages at all