A project leader's boss has indicated that their project is very important. If the critical path is delayed, the lead will be given whatever is needed to get it back on schedule. The project is classified as constrained 1 A) time B) quality C) cost D) performance E) resource 5. All resource leveling techniques involve A) delaying noncritical activities. B) delaying critical activities. C) using negative slack. D) delaying the project. E) adding resources. 6. Resource leveling or smoothing can have all the following results on a project EXCEPT A) lower peak resource demand. B) reduced resource need over the life of the project. C) reduced fluctuations in resource demand. D) a longer project duration E) a more sensitive network. 7. Splitting an activity can result in all of the following EXCEPT A) more people working on the same activity. B) possible startup and shutdown costs. C) a resource being moved from one activity to another and then back. D) activity work being placed on hold for a period until more resources are available. E) a better project schedule.