Problem 1: Two soil samples were subjected to pressure cell (Tempe Cell, Fredlund SWCC Device) to determine the SWCC of the soils. Data obtained from the experimental work are given in the following table (Table-1). Based on the data given, find the following: 1) Plot the results and develop SWCC curves for the two different soils. 2) Tabulate the field capacity(ΠFC)and wilting point(ΠWP)moisture content along with the curve fitting parameters (α,mandn) for the soils. (mparameter is associated withnparameter) 3) Determine the minimum soil cover thickness (in meter unit) if the required design storage for the soil is,S r=300 mm. 4) Which soil type will you prefer for the water balance cover to fulfill the requirements? Develop your own MS excel sheet. Get the values from your graph rather than using equation. Show detail sketch of the granhs from which vou will take readings. (Hint: For soil1:α=0.001.n=I.5)