Would your model building be finished after the interaction test of question 5? Why or why not? (2 points)Least Squares Linear Regression of Price Predictor Variables Std Error Coefficient T P VIF Constant 26255.2 1142.90 22.97 0.0000 0.0 Mileage -8.58 -0.13471 0.01570 0.0000 3.2 X1X2 0.03411 0.01904 1.79 0.0798 5.1 Model -1563.65 1579.95 -0.99 0.3275 2.4 0.7802 Mean Square Error (MSE) 1.318E+07 Adjusted R 0.7659 Standard Deviation 3629.93 AICC 826.89 PRESS 7.17E+08 Source DF SS MS F P Regression Residual Total 3 2.152E+09 7.174E+08 54.44 0.0000 46 6.061E+08 1.318E+07 49 2.758E+09 Cases Included 5 Missing Cases 0