A copper wire 10 m long must experience a voltage drop of less than 1.0 V when a current of 3.0 A passes through it. Using the data in Table 12.1, compute the minimum diameter of the wire. Table 12.1 Room-Temperature Electrical Conductivities for Nine Common Metals and Alloys Metal Electrical Conductivity (22-m)!) Silver 6.8 * 107 Copper 6.0 x 107 Gold 4.3 x 107 Aluminum 3.8 x 107 Brass (70 Cu-30 Zn) 1.6 × 107 Iron 1.0 x 107 Platinum 0.94 x 107 Plain carbon steel 0.6 x 107 Stainless steel 0.2 x 107 mm