For this assignment, you will write a program to determine the time and date corresponding to an elapsed number of seconds since 00: 00: 00 on 1 January 2020. Have the user input the value of elapsed seconds. The output (to the screen) should be the corresponding hour (in military time), minute, second, day of the month, month name, year, and day of the week name (Sunday – Saturday). Your output should be formatted like the following:23:59:32 2 January 2021 SaturdayDon’t forget that a leap year has 366 days with 29 days in February. Leap years are years that are evenly divisible by 4, with the exception of those evenly divisible by 100, but those divisibly by 400 are leap years.Your program should be accomplished using the assignment operator (=), mathematical operators ( +,-,/,*,^), basic logical operators and functions (&,|,~,xor), basic relational operators and functions ( ==, <, <=, strcmp), decision making and repetition constructs (if-elseif-else, switch-case-otherwise, for, while), and input/output functions we've learned (e.g. input, display, sprintf, fprintf). To determine whether a number is evenly divisible, you are also allowed to use the built-in matlab remainder (rem, mod) and rounding (floor, fix, round) functions. No other built-in matlab functions are allowed.