Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, answer all questions. brainlister to whoever can answer within four hours.
1. Why does the monster compare himself to both Adam and Satan in Paradise Lost?
A The monster believes that he is both blessed by his creator and envious of him.
B The monster believes the world is an Eden but also a kind of hell.
C The monster understands that he is both cursed by his creator and envious of him.
D The monster fears that he will be banished but knows he is powerful.

2. Which of the following is not an attribute of the monster that makes him an outsider?
His deformity
The grotesque circumstances of his creation
His longing for relationships
His ability to survive extreme conditions

3. How is the monster's reaction to spring significant?
The monster's reaction to nature proves that he and Victor are not so different.
The monster's reaction to nature foreshadows a happy ending for most of the characters.
The monster's reaction to nature lessens his resentment of Victor and allows him to forgive.
The monster's reaction to nature symbolizes the dangers of scientific progress.

4. How does the rain in Chapter 10 affect Victor?
The rain invokes feelings of shame and guilt.
The rain contrasts with Victor's cheery mood.
The rain helps Victor feel cleansed of his guilt.
The rain foreshadows a great tragedy in Victor's life.

5. What is the relationship between the monster's admiration of the peasant family and his own desperate situation?
The monster's dissatisfaction with Victor is compared to the poverty of the peasants.
The monster's easy ability to communicate is contrasted with the silent family.
The peasants' growing need for isolation is compared to the monster's loneliness.
The monster's loneliness is contrasted with a kind and loving family.