Part 1: Using the verbs ser and estar in the present tense, what qualities do you think make a good friend?
Write 5 sentences in Spanish answering what makes a good friend in your opinion.
Example: Un buen amigo siempre está a mi lado. Él es paciente y honesto.
Part 2: Using the verbs tener, hacer, and other present tense verbs, what does a good friend do? Write 5 sentences in Spanish answering what a good friend does, i.e, how they act or behave in your opinion.
Example: Una buena amiga tiene respeto por mi cultura. Me hace feliz.
Your response must contain 10 detailed and complete sentences in Spanish.
You will be graded on (a) message organization, (b) control of target grammar structures, (c) accuracy of mechanics, (d) control of target vocabulary, (d) and task completion per the World Languages Writing Rubric.