label it gerund,infinitive, participle
1. Jameson likes to play basketball after school with his friends, often shooting 3 pointers.

2. Baking is one of Grace's favorite hobbies; she loves to create new recipes using local, organic, ingredients.

3. Streaking across the sky, meteors are a beautiful sight to behold.

4. Robert really dislikes cleaning the house.

5. My favorite restaurant, located in San Francisco, is surprisingly inexpensive.

1. After struggling in their friendship, Jessica and Jane's goal was to become a team.

2.To run daily is my goal for the month of June.

3.The team has started selling treats during recess-including brownies, cupcakes, and pieces of cheesecake.

4.The deer, chased by my dogs Charlie and Huckleberry, ran swiftly into the forest.

5. My life's goal is to write a novel.