True or false and multiple choice questions

1.The Business and IT departments are often ignorant of the other groups expertise ( True or false)

2.Business and IT employees communicate well with each other ( True or false)

3.Business managers and IT managers always have the same objectives ( True or false)

4.Two strategies that company can use to gain a competitive advantage are

A. customer-orientation and operational effective strategy

B. Mass customization and cost leadership strategy

C. Protection and Innovation strategy

D. compliance and Innovation strategy

5. The internet can both reduce and increase the bargaining power of suppliers, depending on the specific circumstances. ( True or False)

6. The internet reduces the barriers of entry for new competitors in an established industry. (True or False)

7. Business environment pressures can come from which of the following?

A. quality control

B. management restructuring

c. political changes

D. cost reductions

8. organizations depend on IT to facilitate their transition to the globalization of their operations ( True or False)

9. Thomas friedman defines four eras of globalization ( True or False)

10. BPR stands for business process recovery ( True or False)

11. Business process management includes methods and tools to support the design, analysis, Implementation and optimization of business and process. ( true or false)

12. All business processes must be owned by only one functional area in any organization ( True or false)

13. Business process is defined as an ongoing collection of related activities that create a product/service to an organization ( True or false)

14. cost leadership strategy is one strategy to gain a competitive advantage ( True or false)

15. selecting and adhering to a single competitive strategy is sufficient to counter all of porter's five forces and be successful in the long term ( True or False)