I observed evidence technician Josh Sanders dust the inside doorknob on the front door for latent fingerprints. Dusting the doorknob did reveal latent prints, which Sanders lifted with tape and transferred to a small card. That occurred at approximately 3:15 p.m. I later observed Detective Laura Wilson collect a bullet casing from the tile floor in the kitchen after another investigator first photographed the area. The bullet casing was found on the floor beneath the kitchen table and was picked up by Wilson (with gloved hands) and placed in an evidence bag. Collection of the bullet casing occurred at 3:42 p.m. I then looked in the guest bathroom down the hall from the kitchen and observed another evidence technician, William Soto, collecting unknown red fibers from inside the bathroom sink. The time was approximately 3:53 p.m. Soto collected the red fibers with tweezers and placed them inside an evidence bag.