Name 1.6 Limits and continuity Homework Date Period 1. Use the graph of the function y = g(x) shown below, to evaluate each of the following. A. lim g(x) = B. lim 9(x) = ya Clim, g(x) = D. 9(-1) = ad E. lim g(x) = Elim, g(x) = . Glim g(x) = H. lim g(x) = J. g(7) = K. lim g(x) = 2. Use the graph of the function y = f(x) shown below, to evaluate each of the following. A. On the interval x € (-0,00), list the largest intervals for which f(x) is continuous. B. Find the smallest value k, such that the function is continuous on (k.) ye C. Find the smallest value k, such that the function is continuous on [k...) D. Find the largest value of b such that y = f(x) is continuous on (-3, b] but not continuous in (-3, b + 1]. State all values of b that would work. 16