2. Which molecule catches the "spent" electrons? Why is this particular molecule the best for the job? What else does it interact with and what is formed? 3. As the electrons move through the ETC, what happens to the protons (H') around the electron transport chain? Where do they go? How do they get there? What is an electrochemical gradient? Where do the protons want to move (passively)? Understand the importance of the electrochemical gradient in terms of energy production. 4. 5. How is the proton gradient established by the ETC used to do work? What work is done (i.e., what is made and how)? What would happen to the electrochemical gradient if the plasma membrane became permeable to H+ ions? How would that affect the cell? 6. 7. What would happen to the ETC if there was no oxygen available for oxidative phosphorylation?